I don’t think I’ve seen a single guest who suffers with bulimia nervosa on your channel
Savannah (from the "Bipolar, Borderline and Beautiful" video) mentions that she suffered from both bulimia and anorexia, and there are a couple more videos where interviewees talk about their EDs (like Allie and Sophie). But yes, I do agree that so far there isn't really that much content that focuses on that topic, and it would definitely be interesting to see more videos like that. Other mental health issues like depression and anxiety come up all the time, and that's great, but more conversations about eating disorders could also be interesting. It's such a complex, weird, and tragic disorder, and in my own personal experience I found a lot of parallels with substance addiction (the German name for "anorexia" literally translates to "an addiction to thinness", "Magersucht").
Eating disorders are not only on the thin spectrum. People overeat for many of the same reasons. Where my sister is actually afraid of food, food is the ultimate comfort and control for me. You hear people say such horrible things about obese people without taking any time or effort to understand us. There are many thin people that live incredibly unhealthy lives but it's OK because they're thin.
Everything above is so true. I think it is worth a conversation for obese people.