Mark, I’m not sure how to email you directly. I’ve followed you religiously, every day every video as soon as it’s posted (6pm cst sharp on the app, god bless your consistency). I’ve patiently awaited the delivery of the book and waited several more days for the time to carefully review it. The full length photos. The videos can never do them justice. It’s impossible to hold back tears seeing these people, whose stories now occupy a place within me, standing there in front of your camera so vulnerably. And Niqi. That’s as far as I’ve gotten so far. I’ve watched and rewatched her videos so many times and mourn the loss of this soul I’ll never meet. Her story is heartbreaking and beautiful and I can’t thank you enough for making it possible for it to be heard. I used to turn my head and look away, but how dare I. Her words. She and you and so many others have changed the way I think of people on the street, their stories and the seemingly impossible obstacles they’ve been expected by society to simply overcome. Your project has changed the way I may have influenced my children to think of these people, to judge them. I just wanted to thank you. I admire so much the way you’re using your talent to educate society. I’ve long felt that I’m wasting my life in corporate America sitting behind a computer. You are truly an inspiration and the more I learn about myself through your work the more I believe that I will find a way to do something that matters before my time here is up. Again, thank you. The impact of this project will be monumental and I feel lucky to be a part of what you’re doing even if just within my own home.
Brenda S Hoersten
Ryan Hyder
Gloria Allbright
Beautifully said Katie & I’m just as proud to a part of Marks extraordinary project as well. & feel the same way about life as you, that we only have so much time when looking at the big picture so we must make a difference in a way possible! ❤️🩹
Brenda S Hoersten